Coronel Suarez Polo Team

In 1961 the sons of Don Manuel Bourdieu, owner of what was then called "Estancia San José" located no more than a league from the town Salvador María, began to cut down a paddock that gradually became the first polo field. They played there for three years, but there were many enthusiasts who came to participate such as their cousins from "El Carmen" who in turn brought their friends and family. Neighboring farms such as "La Alborada", "El Amparo" and "Los Cardales" amongst others, also contributed with their equipment, and the idea of founding a polo club was outlined.


The club has 7 polo fields with boards and sprinkler irrigation system, with more than 60 active polo members, among them the brothers Sebastián and Juan Harriott, Benjamín, Santiago, Pepe and Diego Araya, Juan José Brane, Marcelo Frayssinet, Ignacio and Juan Badiola, among other great polo players.

This important number of polo members allows the club to organize practices every weekend of the year -except for weekends when it rains-, and they are organized as follows: on Fridays and Saturdays high handicap players play mixed with low handicap players, and on Sundays the practices are “selective” of high, medium and low handicap players, that is to say, they are organized taking into account the valuations of each player.

Jujuy 692

B7540GDN Coronel Suarez

Provincia de Buenos Aires


Coronel Suarez Polo Club

argIgnacio BadiolaNr. 3526
argGaston BeguerieNr. 4510
rusAlexandra RodziankoNr. 1-0
grnGleb FetisovNr. 1-1
rusMisha RodziankoNr. 2211


2022, 2023